Why Do Dental Cleanings Matter?

Dental cleanings at Landmark Dental make your teeth look and feel cleaner! But how? During dental cleanings, the dental hygienists that work with your dentist in South Edmonton will scale your teeth after completely examining your mouth using a small mirror. The hygienist is looking for any signs of tooth decay and gum disease. Scaling is the process through which the hygienist removes plaque and tartar using hand tools and sonic and ultrasonic scalers and power washers to rinse away any debris.

Once plaque and tartar have been removed, the next step in dental cleanings near you is to brush your teeth with a much grittier toothpaste than you would ever use at home and a powered toothbrush. Using such gritty toothpaste daily would be harmful to your teeth, but it’s the ideal material when having your teeth professionally cleaned.

Once your teeth have been denuded of plaque and tartar and scrubbed clean, your dentist and their staff will floss between and around every tooth and along each gum line to remove any plaque, toothpaste or debris worked loose or left behind. Once your teeth have been rinsed and polished and any recommended fluoride applied, you’ll be good to go.

While those are the basic steps at every professional teeth cleaning, specific steps taken at your appointment can vary depending on what your hygienist finds. Your hygienist may ask your dentist in South Edmonton to take a look and to consult with you, and they may together recommend x-rays, sealants, or other procedures to protect the health of your teeth and gums.

What are the benefits of dental cleanings?

There are three primary benefits of undergoing dental cleanings near you, even beyond the fact that you’ll walk away from the appointment with fewer stains, brighter teeth and smoother teeth surfaces.

Plaque and tartar will be removed from gum pockets that you’d never be able to see and reach on your own at home. If plaque and tartar are permitted to accumulate in your gum pockets, the bacteria will cause inflammation and deepening of your gum pockets consistent with gingivitis and periodontitis. Over time, advancing periodontitis can undermine the protection your gums offer to your teeth.

Your circulatory system will be healthier following the removal of potentially harmful bacteria from your mouth. Bacteria in your mouth don’t just stay in your mouth but circulate throughout your body via your bloodstream once they enter your gums and the interior of your tooth. Once within your circulatory system, teeth-related bacteria can contribute to conditions such as heart disease.

You’ll be under surveillance (in a good way!) Regular dental cleanings are an opportunity for a bonus dental checkup by a dentist near you. Your hygienist won’t just leap into scaling, brushing, polishing and the like, but will conduct a thorough examination to identify the earliest signs of tooth decay, gum disease and infection. If any issues are found, you and your dentist will develop a treatment plan to address the issues before they advance to the point of placing your oral health at significant risk.

How often should you have your teeth cleaned?

If you’re someone who brushes your teeth two or three times a day and flosses once or twice a day, you should still have your teeth professionally cleaned every six months (in addition to regular dental checkups twice a year). While that’s a general rule and the most commonly scheduled recall interval, there are some people who should have their teeth cleaned more often than that —every three to four months.

Higher risk populations that would benefit from more frequent dental cleanings in South Edmonton include:

  • Smokers
  •  People with diabetes (especially if uncontrolled or poorly controlled)
  • People with active periodontal (gum) disease
  • People who experience xerostomia (dry mouth)
  • People with a dental history including frequent cavities or unusually quick plaque and tartar growth
  • Patients undergoing orthodontic work (whether with traditional braces or Invisalign)

However well you clean your teeth on a daily basis, the pros at your dentist in South Edmonton are better at it and better equipped to protect your health. Get in touch with them to get your teeth as clean as possible at least twice a year.

Address: 6423 Cartmell Place SW, Edmonton, AB T6W 4V4, Canada