How is the dental bridge made?
It is easy to understand how dental bridges near you are connected. If a person is missing one tooth, then the bridge is fixed to two adjacent healthy teeth. The bridge needs to be cemented to them, and if three teeth are missing, then two implants need to be made before fixing the bridge to them. In rare cases, more teeth and implants can be joined. This pertains to cases when most teeth are already lost. Dental bridges are mostly made of ceramic or a combination of materials and/or kinds of ceramics.
If you are looking for dental bridges in South Edmonton, it would entail several visits to Landmark Dental. Between the first visit with consultation and the grand finale that will give you a tremendous new look and wonderful smile, several weeks may pass. It all depends on the status of your teeth, type of bridge, and the method of the dentist near you. It is always a better solution to rely on natural teeth, but if they are missing, implants shall do the job! Do not forget that implants should be installed first, wait a bit longer for an oral cavity to accept them, and only then form a bridge.
Process of making dental bridges
At Landmark Dental, the dentist will assess the condition of the oral cavity, jaws, teeth and then show several different types of bridges and materials, together with different prices. Be sure to ask the dentist as many personalized questions as possible because the price is no guarantee for the best dental bridge. It should fit the state of your mouth! New technology makes dental bridge discussion even better because various software can design the appearance of the bridge. This test bridge will help both you and the dentist to determine what kind of bridge is best for you and what will your smile look like! Then the real bridge is made and permanently fixed to the prepared teeth or implants.
Maintenance of dental bridges after the treatment
Of course, the bridge should be properly maintained. Poor oral hygiene and skipping the visits to the dentist near you will lower the longevity of the dental bridge. Many people consider dental bridges as merely artificial additions to your mouth, but in fact, they become part of the oral cavity and are taken together with teeth and jawbones as one whole. Soft bristle toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss or dental shower, interdental brushes and mouthwashes are the basis of proper oral hygiene and their regular and proper use is a guarantee of longevity of the dental bridge.
What can I do at home?
Of course, regular brushing cannot prevent potential breakage of the bridge, but it can alleviate the retraction of the gums and the detection of implant necks or the appearance of caries on the abutment tooth. Massage of the gums with a soft bristle brush is very important for bridges that are fixed to implants to stimulate blood flow to the tissue and prevent retraction. Regular use of dental floss or better yet oral douches and interdental brushes will remove all plaque on dental braces and slow down the deposition of tartar which can also affect gum retraction.
Address: 6423 Cartmell Place SW, Edmonton, AB T6W 4V4, Canada